Achar To Beetroot: 6 Everyday Foods That May Actually Make You Feel Dehydrated


With the temperature rising every day, our body needs enough fluid to function normally. Hence, you would find health experts stressing on drinking enough water and other healthy beverages to keep up the water balance. But did you know, drinking water is not enough to stay hydrated? You heard us! You need to also keep a check on your daily diet to stay healthy, especially during the summers. According to several studies, we consume various such foods and drinks every day that wash off excess fluid from your body, without you even realising it. This further makes you feel dehydrated throughout the day and leads to associated health hazards.
In this article, we will take you through some of the most common foods and beverages that may increase the risks of you getting dehydrated even after drinking enough water. But before that, let’s understand the theory behind dehydration.
Also Read: Hydration Beyond Water: These Foods And Drinks Are Great To Hydrate Your Body


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What causes dehydration? How to cure it?

According to health experts, dehydration occurs when your body doesn’t get as much water as it needs. For the unversed, a human body is made of 55 to 60 percent of water, sates the United States Geological Survey. It is natural to lose water daily through excretory systems like sweat, urine, tears and saliva, but if you do not replace the lost fluid, it leads to dehydration and production of excess toxins in your body. The best way to make up for water content in the body is through your diet, containing healthy foods and drinks.

Why certain foods and drinks lead to dehydration?

To put it simply, certain foods and drinks have diuretic effects on your body that may lead to loss of sodium and water, creating an electrolyte imbalance. It is considered one of the most common reasons behind you feeling thirsty even after drinking gallons of water. This is why, it gets yet more important to identify those foods and drinks, so that you add them to your diet wisely. Read on.
Also Read: What Is Chronic Dehydration? Cause, Preventive Measures And More


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Here’re 6 Everyday Foods And Drinks That May Lead To Dehydration:

1. Coffee:

Coffee is possibly one of the most popular beverages that has been up for debate among the fitness enthusiasts. While caffeine is known to make up for the lost energy, it can also lead to dehydration. That’s right. Caffeine, if taken in excess amount, can be diuretic, creating an imbalance in the water content in your body.

2. Green tea:

Over the years, green tea has made a permanent position in your diet regime, courtesy the high amount of antioxidants and flavonoids in it. But it can make you feel dehydrated as well. Much like coffee, green tea to has some caffeine content, which works a natural diuretic agent. This may cause the body to lose water, making you feel tired and lethargic.

3. Beetroot:

Sounds surprising, right? Beetroot is high on potassium, which is known to help release fluids from your body. Hence, if you load up on beetroot, especially during the summers, then it may end up having several negative effects on your body.


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4. Foods with high protein content:

We have often seen fitness enthusiasts relying on high-protein diet to lose weight and increase muscle strength. While we don’t deny the benefits, it may also lead to chronic dehydration. Basically, protein generates nitrogen formation in the body that uses excess water to get metabolized. This often leads to fluid imbalance in the body.

5. Sodas and packaged juices:

The excess sugar in sodas and packaged juices are known to have hypernatremia effect on the body, states the World Health Organisation. This means, the sugar draws water from the cells and tissues, decreasing the level of fluid in the body. Besides, it also gives a false impression of hydration, making us drink less water.


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6. Achar (Pickle):

Achar ad pickle can elevate our meal experience in leaps and bounds. But it can also be rather dehydrating, due to the excess salt. Salt increases the sodium content in the body that further needs more water to get released. In the process, your body loses water, leading to dehydration and loss of energy.
Now, that you know about these dehydrating foods and drinks, we have them in moderation to enjoy the goodness without any fear.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.


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