Jason Derulo tips Nebraska restaurant waiter $5,000, enough to cover a semester at college


A restaurant waiter at Charleston’s Restaurant in Omaha, Nebraska, made a TikTok thanking singer-songwriter Jason Derulo for tipping him $5,000 — enough to pay for a semester at the waiter’s college.

The waiter, Jordan Schaffer, posted the video Tuesday saying that serving the singer and Derulo’s family will be something he never forgets, while expressing appreciation for the music star’s generous actions.

“Hey Jason, thank you, you just paid for a semester of my college. I can’t say thank you enough,” Schaffer said in the video. “I hope you and your family have a wonderful time in Omaha, and I hope you see us again. Thank you so much.”  

Before ending the video, Schaffer showed his followers the receipt which had the hefty tip on it. The total bill, including the tip, amounted to $5,795.

Derulo commented under the video that Schaffer seemed “like a great person” and thanked him “for taking such great care of our fam. Keep spreading the love bro.”

Derulo’s gesture adds to a list of generous actions by the artist. In 2020, Derulo, along with actor Will Smith, surprised Aiden Yielding — a 14-year-old who had been undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia — with a virtual visit, according to CBS Texas. 

At the time, Yielding’s dad had garnered recognition from people around the world for his efforts to bring awareness to childhood cancer.


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