On ‘Favourite Footballer’, Sachin Tendulkar’s Choice Isn’t Same As Virat Kohli’s | Cricket News


File photo of Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli

Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli might be two cricketers belonging to two different eras but they are often compared to each other based on their cricketing statistics. While there are plenty of similarities between Kohli and Tendulkar, in terms of what they’ve done on the 22-yard strip over the years, there remain a few differences too. In fact, when it comes to their choice of ‘favourite footballer’, the two stands absolutely opposite to each other.

Kohli, on a number of occasions, has explained that he absolutely adores Portugal footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. When Sachin Tendulkar was recently asked about the name of his ‘favourite footballer’, he picked Ronaldo’s arch-rival Lionel Messi.

In an interview in the past, Kohli had expressed his admiration for Ronaldo, who has achieved all he has in the Beautiful Game through ultimate perseverance.

“Tough question. But I would say Cristiano is the most complete player that I have seen. Whether it’s the left foot, right foot, speed or dribbling skills, he’s amazing. I have not seen a better goal scorer. (Ronaldo) The Phenomenon, on the other hand, was something else. He revolutionised the sport and everyone followed him. His place is special, but if I had to take only one in my team who will give energy and intensity, it’s Cristiano,” Kohli had said in the past.

Ronaldo and Messi have been at logger-heads for the most part of their careers. In terms of Ballon d’Or titles, it’s Messi who remains ahead of Ronaldo with 7 Golden Balls to his name. The Argentine recently also won the FIFA World Cup with Argentina, winning the only trophy that was evading him.

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