Are You Tossing The Kitchen Waste Safely? Dos And Don’ts On Garbage Disposal

[ad_1] Let’s agree, we all dream of having that Instagram-worthy kitchen setup. With chic crockeries, planters, organised shelves, colourful backgrounds and more, we have been mood-boarding one such kitchen forever. But have you ever visualised a garbage bin in it? Probably not and that’s where many of us go wrong! We agree trash bins can … Read more

These organizations are trying to tackle plastic pollution and poverty at the same time

[ad_1] Humanity has produced over 9.5 billion metric tons of plastic. That’s over one metric ton, aka 2,200 pounds, per each of the Earth’s 7.9 billion inhabitants. That plastic doesn’t go away. “All the plastic we’ve ever produced since the inception of the material is still here,” said David Katz, Founder and Chairman of Plastic … Read more